Crosman AirSoft Sticky TargetIf you have kids with BB Guns - Then you NEED this!
There are already excellent reviews on this product and the fact that it does what it does really well. I am not going to get into the details..but I will give you my synopsis of this.
I have two boys that have just discovered how much fun it is to play with spring based airsoft guns. The BB's are all plastic and they can get all over the place in and around your home. What is the best way to keep them contained and thus your home and yard clean......a sticky target. Yep...this is they way. My elder son uses this with a hand gun and a shot gun and the BB's plain out stick to the target from a decent range... Therefore, NO MESS and no plastic bb's all over the place in your home or yard.
I highly recommend this for target practice and the sanity of all parents and users of BB guns.... I am sure over time the stickiness will run out...but I have a solution. WE have 3m adhesive spray, which we can spray back onto this thing and it will re-energize it for a period of time.
I have a feeling this will continue to work for a long long time to as long as the target is visible.